Rebranding for Growth: Jarrang’s Strategic Update.

Seven years after our initial collaboration, Jarrang, a renowned leader in email marketing, was ready for a brand update to match their remarkable growth.

Together with founder Stafford Sumner, we embarked on an exciting journey to redefine Jarrang’s brand values. I was honoured to play a key role in guiding these efforts, ensuring our new direction perfectly aligned with their expanded vision and distinguished client base.

Our comprehensive brand refresh for Jarrang was not just a simple update, but a transformation that embraced a modern, sophisticated aesthetic. This new look, with its refined logo, elegant colour palette, and impactful typography, was not just about aesthetics, but about effectively engaging their sophisticated corporate clients.

We meticulously integrated the new branding across all platforms, from the website to physical marketing materials, ensuring a consistent and cohesive presentation of Jarrang to the world. This strategic alignment reinforced their narrative of growth and excellence in every interaction.

Our mission was clear: to elevate Jarrang’s presence in the market and ensure their branding was not just seen but felt—truly reflecting their status as innovators in the email marketing industry.

The rebrand received enthusiastic approval. Jarrang has not only strengthened its position within the competitive landscape but also set a new standard for brand evolution in the digital age. With this refreshed identity, they are well-prepared to continue their impressive trajectory of growth and success.